Welcome to The Senior Center of Kingsbury & Fort Edward, New York
The Senior Center of the Kingsbury & Fort Edward Area, Inc. is located at 78 Oak Street in Hudson Falls, between Elm Street and Pearl Street. The Senior Center serves as a vital resource for adults 50 and over in the Kingsbury / Fort Edward community, offering several Programs, activities and classes, as well as other services, trips, and special events.Our goal is to create an environment, that attracts and meets the needs of seniors. This includes socialization information, nutritionally balanced meals, and creative entertainment.
Agency Overview:
The center gives seniors the opportunities they want and need to live the best lives possible, including:
- Physical Fitness
- Transportation
- Cultural Enrichment
- Socialization and Nutrition
- Education and Health information
- Community Interaction
New Washington
County Nutrition Program Menu - February
Transportation to and from the
center can be
arranged by calling us at 747-9352.
Currently we have a 12 passenger handicap accessible bus and
a 14 Passenger
handicap accessible Bus.
Check out our
or Newsletter for various events and activities.

Membership is open to men and women over the age of 50. Washington County residency is NOT required. Seniors over the age of 90 have a lifetime free membership.
Just a friendly reminder, DUES OF $15 ARE DUE APRIL 1st of EACH YEAR Forms are available at the Senior Center. We realize many of you have been away for the Winter or you may have had a “senior moment” and forgot. Please renew as soon as possible to receive your membership card.

Did you assume that once you retired you didn’t need to keep time sheets anymore? Wrong – if you are one of our valued volunteers, please keep a time sheet in the volunteer book. You may keep a sheet and turn it in at the end of the month or keep it in the book. The reason we need to keep track of our time is that the more volunteer hours we can prove when applying for grant money, the more willing donors are to help us with funding.
The Center is in need of volunteers to form a “Welcome Committee”, to help greet new members, introduce them, explain events, etc. Other volunteer activities are also available.
Volunteers are a critical part of our Senior Center operation. Without them, we wouldn't be able to run as smoothly, or offer as many programs as we do. Their gift is the most valuable of all: their time. Please let Max know if you would like to become a volunteer Your help would be greatly appreciated. Please see Max McDonnell, 518-747-9352.
NOTE: The center is closed when the Washington County Nutrition Program and the local schools are closed because of inclement weather. Listen to your local radio or television stations for school closings.

We have a new Facebook Page! Please “Like” the Page and “Share” it with your friends. We will post upcoming events, snow closings, etc. and there is a link that will take you to the website calendar. https://www.facebook.com/seniorcenterkingsburyfortedward